Release Notes
Version 1.10.3200 - January 12, 2016
- Fixed: Width is not applied for 'file' parameters in tools
- Fixed: Avoid showing java specific error message
- Fixed: Cannot import excel saved in new xlm format (2010+)
Version 1.10.3189 - November 17, 2015
- Fixed: File download does not work in IE9
- Fixed: Cannot change custom editor configuration
- Fixed: Application hangs after applying patches
- Fixed: Cannot compare models in model-diff tool
- Fixed: Cannot update model properties
Version 1.10.3111 - October 8, 2015
- New:Add support for editing long texts
- Changed:Add seconds into tool log execution
- Changed:Gray out read-only parameters when tool is opened from the history
- Changed:Remove extra-click for export to excel button
- Changed:Replace 'System' wording with an icon
- Changed:Add all connection properties for jtds driver
- Changed:Improvements to update script
- Fixed:Creating a user with a long username causes an error
Version 1.9.2830 - January 19, 2015
- New:Allow users to create custom adhoc objects
- New:Email notifications when a job is completed
- Changed:Add scrollbars to text areas in the tools
- Changed:Web application is not extracted into a local folder
- Fixed:Connection is not closed when a tool fails
- Fixed:Automatic execution on drilldown does not work
Version 1.8.2773 - October 24, 2014
- New: connections can be exported to excel
- Fixed: Wrong size appears in files
- Fixed: Driver id is shown instead of driver name if the driver is not loaded
- Fixed: Connection name is empty when exporting databases to excel
- Fixed: Cannot update schedule with a shortcut that have a default value
- Fixed: Unclear message appears when session is timed out
Version 1.8.2761 - September 3, 2014
- New: Scheduler for tools
- New: 'View Changes' for a database in inventory
- New: Support for html emails
- Improved: Inventory export (current columns and filters)
- Improved: Model refresh - column indexes fixed
- Improved: Importing a schema is now much faster
- Improved: Create New User: focus on Login, close dialog on escape
- Improved: Synchronization framework now supports indexed collections
- Improved: New 'refresh' button to custom fields
- Improved: Better 'about' dialog
- Improved: Installation tips for jdbc drivers. support hot driver loading
- Changed: Colors for plugins: disabled - light gray. enabled - black
- Changed: Colors for users: disabled - light gray, enabled - black, admin - blue
- Changed: Contributor can view connections
- Changed: Column span for property editor
- Fixed: Unclear message when custom field is updated by another user
- Fixed: Unclear message when driver is not found
- Fixed: Error appears when tool is cancelled
- Fixed: 'Select all' does not work in 'add object' dialog
- Fixed: Save Connection: values for custom properties are lost
- Fixed: Descriptions for custom fields are not updated in a grid
- Fixed: cannot save properties for functions
Version 1.7.2500 - May 1, 2014
- New: Add permission for tools (enterprise edition)
- New: Store tool execution history and make it available to users
- New: Add possibility to specify help for tools
- New: Support functions in data dictionary projects (experimental)
- New: Add permission inheritance for tools
- Changed: Improved default column width in tool history
- Changed: Disable selection of non-online databases in data dictionary
- Fixed: Cannot remove connection when a model exists
- Fixed: Wrong description is imported for procedure parameters
- Fixed: Deleting permission for 'any user' shows null in confirmation
- Fixed: Long messages in 'view log' are not visible
- Fixed: Plugin shipped is not removed from plugins folder when upgrading plugin
- Fixed: Multibox with suggestions does display initial properties when initialized by url
- Fixed: Fix white background in tools
- Fixed: It is possible to create two users with the same login
- Fixed: Changing project does not close previously opened tool tabs
- Fixed: Cannot import msdb database as a model (long computed column definition)
- Fixed: Get rid of java class names in error messages shown to user
Version 1.6.2268 - October 31, 2013
- New: Attachments for projects and tools
- New: Allow opening tools by direct url
- New: Add boolean types for parameters in tools
- New: Add 'whatsnew' link in the list of plugins
- New: Show a message box when browser is not supported
- Changed: Enhanced 'Add object' dialog
- Changed: Rename Operation to Action in list of plugins
- Changed: Add Last login date to list of users
- Changed: Hide object name in column selector
- Fixed: Sample job description is not working
- Fixed: Repeating log entry on multiple tool execution
- Fixed: Error appears when opening tool by url
- Fixed: Cancellation status don't work properly
- Fixed: Values are shown like {} instead of substitution in the message log
- Fixed: Cannot open shortcut - Mutli combobox throws NPE
Version 1.5.2054 - August 22, 2013
- New: Implement plugin management within application
- New: Add possibility to share a shortcut
- Changed: Setup focus and shortcuts in dialogs
- Fixed: Saving shortcut don't change caption and url for new name
- Fixed: Cannot execute a tool when it was opened by direct url
- Fixed: Non user friendly message reported to user when creating a connection with the same name exists in other project
- Fixed: New properties for connection are not shown
- Fixed: Related items are not deleted when deleting an application
- Fixed: Not all icons have images
- Fixed: No columns imported for views
- Fixed: Tools tab is not cleaned after logoff / login
- Fixed: Search for empty value doesn't work in columns
Version 1.4.1957 - June 26, 2013
- New: Direct links to tools
- New: User self-registration when using Ldap/Active Directory
- New: Integration between inventory and dictionary projects
- New: Sample project for data dictionary projects
- New: Synchronization for data dictionary projects
- Changed: Better documentation for tools (display helpful text in the tool)
- Changed: Link from Contact to Related Objects
- Changed: Improvements with Active Directory integration
- Changed: Error log will display number of errors/warnings without popups
- Changed: Synchronization ui will not show 'root' element
- Fixed: dbmaster doesn't work with java 7
- Fixed: Renaming custom field makes data lost
- Fixed: Extensive logging in tools crushes browser
- Fixed: Contributor cannot modify some inventory objects
Version 1.3.1600 - January 28, 2013
- New: Synchronization Framework
- New: Server Management for Inventories
- New: Installations for Inventories - Mapping servers to applications
- New: New system field 'Last Change Date' for all objects in inventory
- New: Authentication with Active Directory or LDAP (enterprise edition)
- Changed: Layout of widgets was changed
- Changed: Soft-delete for databases in Inventory projects
- Changed: Initial set of fields extended to support new layout
- Changed: Improved logging for easier troubleshooting
- Changed: Improved interface between tool and dbmaster
- Changed: Database synchronization uses new sync framework
- Changed: Improvements in Delete/Remove terminology
- Fixed: 40+ defects were fixed
Version 1.2.1409 - November 19, 2012
- New: Inventory Projects
- New: Ability to specify the size of TEXT fields in the tool configuration
- New: Refactored UI architecture
- New: Browser can save password in the sign-in screen
- New: It is possible to generate links to any resources (internal or external)
- New: Internet Explorer 9 is now supported
- Changed: improvements in search
- Changed: connection management moved to inventory
- Fixed: added timeout parameter for checking if an update is available
- Fixed: custom field values exceeding integer range are not saved correctly
Version 1.1.1035 - June 05, 2012
- New: many improvements in internal architecture
- New: update process is more stable and informative
- New: real-time progress and log of report execution
- New: cancel tool execution function
- New: jasper-free (script-only) tools
- New: new formatters for tools (html, text, jasper)
- New: support for long-text parameters
- Changed: execute button is visible for a tool with no parameters
- Changed: no need to specify visibility and empty parameters
- Changed: tools are not independent to projects
- Changed: better messages when connection is broken or not available
- Fixed: 30+ defects
Version 1.0.630 - February 29, 2012
- Changed: Replace port parameter with jetty.port JVM argument
- Changed: Exclude service-related files from distribution
- Fixed: Handle processor architecture in update script
- Fixed: Linux distribution - pack into tar/gzip
- Fixed: Linux distribution - fix permissions and startup script
Version 1.0.508 - January 23, 2012
- New: Implement reporting/scripting component
- New: Redo connection manager (load drivers from plain config file)
- New: Re-import database structure
- New: Allow user to modify his own account
- Changed: Create config.ini files when application starts first time
- Changed: Optimize model export to excel (use new SXSSF API)
- Changed: Add First Name, Last Name, Email fields for user
- Changed: Allow granting permission to all registered users
- Fixed: Modifying model after refresh lead to concurrent save error
- Fixed: Model is not automatically reloaded after refresh
- Fixed: Fix excel export template
- Fixed: Cannot create user with 'project management' role
- Fixed: License cannot be verified
- Fixed: Testing connection leads to unhandled error
- Fixed: Concurrent exception appears in log file
- Fixed: Offline and replication databases handled incorrectly
- Fixed: 'Create Model' suggestion shown to contributor
- Fixed: Error is not shown when adding duplicated permission
Version 0.9.394 - October 07, 2011
- Fixed: When project created first tab (Data Dictionary) is not selected
- Fixed: Paging and sorting for object explorer doesn't work
- Fixed: No users in Add Permission dialog
- Fixed: Cannot delete custom field
- Fixed: When project deleted switch to welcome dialog
- Fixed: Suggest creating a model when project created
- Fixed: Custom column is not saved in configuration
- Fixed: property and buttons are enabled after creating a new project
- Fixed: Object Name and Type are duplicated
- Fixed: New Version is not displayed for admin after login
- Fixed: Tables and Columns loaded extremely slowly
- Changed: Change column selection for grids
Version 0.9.295 - August 12, 2011
- Initial release to make everybody happy in dev team
Download the most recent version. Try it out today
- Versions
- v3200 on January 12, 2016
- v3189 on November 17, 2015
- v3111 on October 8, 2015
- v2830 on January 19, 2015
- v2773 on October 24, 2014
- v2761 on September 3, 2014
- v2500 on May 1, 2014
- v2268 on October 31, 2013
- v2054 on August 22, 2013
- v1957 on June 26, 2013
- v1600 on January 28, 2013
- v1409 on November 19, 2012
- v1035 on June 05, 2012
- v630 on February 29, 2012
- v508 on January 23, 2012
- v394 on October 07, 2011
- v295 on August 12, 2011