Configuration Settings

DBMaster stores its settings at [dbmaster_home]/data/config.ini file. For syntax details refer to java documentation.

DBMaster parameters (stored in config.ini)
Parameter Type Description
update.urlurlUrl for file version.txt. Every time user with administrative privileges opens application, DBMaster will try to download this file. If a newer version is available, a message will be displayed in browser. Use default public value here To disable notification just comment out this parameter.
welcome.text text Text to be displayed in welcome tab for all users. It is possible to use html tags here, e.g. for links or highlights.
login text Name of user that will be logged automatically. Useful for single user installations.
guest text Name (login) of guest user - DBMaster won't automatically store user interface configuration for Guest.
license string License text. Do not share.
licensee string Name of person or organization who owns a copy of DBMaster.

Runtime Parameters

This type of parameters should be defined as java VM arguments, that is -D[parameter_name]=[parameter_value]. Define them in dbmaster.bat / dbmaster file.

Runtime parameters (java parameters)
Parameter Type Description
data.dirfolderFull or relative path to data folder. If no value defined, [current_folder]\data will be used by default.
skip.browser.launch boolean When DBMaster starts it opens browser by default. To disable this behavior (for example if you use it as a service) use this parameter with value 'false'.
jetty.port number By default DBMaster internal web service (jetty) uses port 7771. To change it use jetty.port runtime parameter.
katrin.gwt.log_level text Possible values are OFF, DEBUG, TRACE, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL.
oauth.config file Used in open id authentication. Should point to oauth configuration file. OAuth protocol used to authenticate users with Facebook, Linked In, Google, and Twitter at our open repository site text When user authenticates by open id authentication provider, they will be redirected to this url.