Quick search
Having the avility to quickly find database objects, columns or parameters is very important, so DBMaster
includes google-style search functionality. It is possible to search by value in a particular
attribute or use free-text style. In DBMaster search is not case sensitive.
Free-text search
Just type the value you want to find. See samples below.
Search by attribute
Search by attribute in DBmaster works using the following format [attribute] [operator]
Attribute can be a standard one or a meta-field. Operator can be one of the
following '=', '<>', '>', '<', '>=', or '<='. logical operations like
and/or are not yet supported.
Wildcard search
You can use wildcard in attribute names and values. DBMaster uses the following symbols:- The question mark (?) may be used to represent a single character in a search expression. For example, searching for the term 'ho?se' would yield results which contain such words as 'house' and 'horse'.
- An asterisk (*) may be used to specify zero or more characters. For example, searching for the term 'h*s' would yield results which contain such words as 'homes', 'houses', 'horses', etc.
Fuzzy vs. strict search
Important note: if an attribute or value does not include any wildcard symbols, DBMaster will automatically add asterisks around the attribute and/or value. For example, if you search fordata=ho
, DBMaster will replace it with *data*=*ho*
and will search for
objects that have (but don't necessarily equal) 'ho' symbols in any attribute that includes 'data' in it;
search results will include objects where 'Data Domain'='house'
or 'Sensitive
, etc. To search within a particular attribute or for a strict value add
double quotes, e.g. "Data Domain"=house will find objects that contain house in attribute Data
- To search for attributes with no values use
'Data Domain'=
- To search for attributes with any non-empty value use
'Data Domain'<>
- To search for date attributes use format 'MM/dd/yy', e.g.
'Revise By'<='12/31/2012'
- To search for boolean/logical attributes use values 'yes'/'no' e.g.
Sensitive Data=yes